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Connecting Cultures Program
Supporting underprivileged filmmakers in over 30 countries.

Venice Film Week
Open air and indoor screenings in the center of Venice.

Filmmakers Exposure Support Program
In association with Final Cut Magazine.

Super Shorts Film Festival
Annual festivals in London, NY and LA.

Toronto Arthouse Film Festival
The best independent film festival according to NOW.

Viewpoint Documentary Film Festival
Founded in 1994, leading the Doc.World revolution.

Verona International Film Festival
A festival that revolves around relationships, set in the city of Romeo and Juliet.

Sydney World Film Festival
A unique voice within the already bustling film festival scene in Sydney.

Tarkovski Grant
Supporting indie filmmakers through a submission grant.

Producer's Night
Screen you work for leading film industry professionals.

Obskuur Ghent Film Festival
Europe's most obscure film festival.

Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival
Named as one of the best Hong Kong film festivals.

Inclusive Audience Program
Admission fees that are exclusive and limiting.

Local Filmmaker Program
Think global, act local, right?

Climate neutral film event program.
In association with

Ghent International Short Film Festival
Fresh and sharp shorts from all around the world.

Brussels Independent Film Festival
The underground voice from Europe's capital.

The leading documentary film festival in Berlin.

Boston Short Film Festival
The number one short film festival in Boston.

Amsterdam Independent Film Festival
Pushing the boundaries of the art form.

Bruges International Film Festival
Serving sophisticated gems.

Cannes International Film Week
The Independent Filmmakers' Gateway to Cannes.

Festival Ecrã
The leading experimental film festival in Rio de Janeiro
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